Happy holidays!
I finally finished my exams, which means the holiday season is kicking in! Obviously that calls for a a christmas theme!
Now to get some of that sleep I've been lacking for a couple of weeks.
I finally finished my exams, which means the holiday season is kicking in! Obviously that calls for a a christmas theme!
Now to get some of that sleep I've been lacking for a couple of weeks.
Posted by
2:41 AM
Labels: iPhone
Quite the opposite of the Burial album, the new Wu-Tang album lacks consistency. Unfortunately. But, that was pretty much anticipated, given all the brawl that's taken place within the Wu camp considering the beats and whatever... Nevertheless, that doesn't stand in the way of the fact that this song turned out amazing. The ingredients include a Beatles sample, Red-Hot-Chili-Pepper-Guitar-God John Frusciante, the smoky voiced, yellow-toothed, fake-afro-wearing Erykah Badu, George Harrison's son Dhani, and of course the Clan.
That bitch is craaaaazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...
Posted by
3:51 PM
How long has it been since you heard an album from start to finish and were amazed by all the tracks? This is one of those rare pieces of gold. From the moment i pressed play I got the feeling that this was something truly special.
Oh, and somebody give this guy a video...
Buy/download at amazon.com
Posted by
3:34 AM
Labels: Music
We're at the crossroads, my dear
Where do we go from here?
Maybe you won't go, maybe you'll stay
Oh I know I'm gonna miss you either way
It's such a lonely road
Where do we go from here?
All I can do is - follow the tracks of my tears
When I cry your name
Am I calling in vain?
Ooh, am I waiting only to drown in pain
Don't you do it
No, said don't you leave me this way
I don't know
If I can lift my head and face another day
Ooh, it's such a lonely road
Where do we go from here?
All I can do is - follow the tracks of my tears
You seem now the kind of girl who's lost and looking for direction
Who could this be? Staring at me?
When I'm looking in the mirror trying to find a resolution
Way too far gone, to find my way home
Where do we go from here?
All I can do is - follow the tracks of my tears
Posted by
4:54 AM
Posted by
3:34 AM
Yes, the iPhone is my new favorite toy, but that doesn't mean it can't be useful. The device has a huge potential working as a remote control (touchscreen remember?) and developers are taking heed. Here are the three remotes I use on a daily basis. The remotes all use your Safari browser (which means no iPhone hacking needed) and requires that all the devices you intend to use it with, are on the same WLAN as your iPhone.
1. uTorrent
uTorrent has a webremote built in, but it's advanced features do not work with Safari. So it was with great pleasure I discovered this mobile interface designed to work specifically with the iPhone. Both uTorrent and this "addon" are completely free.
2. iTunes
Signal is Alloysoft's remote for iTunes. Installs as a little app in your systray and shares your entire iTunes library. It does a great job at it as well, mimicking the native iPod application on your phone, and displays albumart! Signal will set you back $25
3. Xbox Media Center
XBMC is what makes that dusty old Xbox of yours still worth something. It has a built in webremote that allows you to control alot of functions from a browser. Due to design issues this isn't very practical on the iPhone, so Tom Robinson created a feature-packed remote that enables you to maneuver your Xbox completely from the iPhone. The best part: it's free!
Posted by
8:32 PM
Mos Def has been a longtime favorite of mine in the hiphop world. Together with Talib Kweli he made pure magic on the BlackStar album, and met expectations with his solo debut. Ever since though, it's gone completely downhill (at least beatswize imho) and last nights show at Rockefeller was a testament to that.
Mos did a few tracks from the upcoming album which sounded alright, a few classics - most noteworthy Ms Fat Booty (which was the only time the place was rocking), and a lot of stuff he shouldn't even have brought.
But the reason I'm so disappointed in this concert, was the fact that the man just seemed downright lazy. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I estimate that 40-50% of the show consisted of his DJs playing either old soul records or other peoples records, which would have been cool to a certain extent, but this was overdone completely. I didn't pay 350,- NOK to listen to Mos Def doing live-backup on Kanye West cd's. I mean come on, that's just retarded, especially considering that at one point he did 5 in a row!? It's the only time I've actually booed at a concert.
Posted by
6:14 PM
Posted by
4:47 PM
Labels: iPhone
In the ongoing blabbing I've been doing lately about the iPhone and Nip/Tuck, it was interesting to note that this weeks episode of the F/X drama was the first time I've seen the phone on a TV show. Since the iPhone hit the markets in late June, that makes it less than half a year to hit the screens, which in a media perspective isn't long.
Christian sports one of Apple's devices, and it seems Freddy Prune also has one trapped in an awful cellphone case.
Posted by
2:39 AM
Finally Superbad hit Norwegian cinemas. Seth Rogen (Knocked Up) and Michael Cera (Arrested Development) are two of the funniest newcomers in bigscreen Hollywood, so in short my expectations were impossible to meet. But still pretty damn hillarious!
Posted by
2:24 AM
Labels: Movies
Was reminded of this on last weeks episode of Nip/Tuck, a fantastic combination, one of my favorite songs and favorite shows. Look at how slick Jagger was, amazing :D
Posted by
7:02 PM
Labels: Music, MusicVideo
Posted by
6:47 PM
Labels: iPhone
Posted by
4:32 PM
So when Apple initially wouldn't release a SDK for the iPhone and announced that webapps would be the only alternative, I'm guessing no one dreamed that a great service as SeeqPod would appear.
If you've yet to try SeeqPod, head over to their website and give it a shot. It's basicly an index that tracks mp3 files lying around the world wibe web, and directs them to your browser as playable content when you search.
When putting this on your phone, it enables you to play almost any song anywhere, which is in my opinion pretty damn genius and borderline next-gen-way of relating to music.
Contentwize, this thing is packed. I tried alot of searches the other day, and even the more obscure things i searched for (i.e. swede Hird) showed up.
A sweet thing about webapps, is that you don't have to hack your phone in any way to use it, just go to http://www.seeqpod.com with your iPhone Safari client, and it will redirect you automaticly.
Posted by
4:12 PM
While musiclovers everywhere are grieving the loss of their favorite resource for music, and the music industry is trying to portray filesharing as something similiar to peadophilia (they invited the press?), Rob over at demonbaby.com wrote this amazingly constructive article which summarizes the problems surrounding music distribution and new technology. I suggest everyone in the industry starts taking notes...
Posted by
2:42 AM
The new Hives album is spreading all across the net, be a law-abiding citizen and pre-order it here.
Posted by
11:30 PM
Labels: Music, MusicVideo
Advarsel 1:
Denne guiden er skrevet på bakgrunn av min erfaring med å låse opp 2 stk iPhones. Før du benytter deg av den merk deg at jeg selvfølgelig ikke tar på meg noe ansvar hvis noe skulle gå galt med telefonen din, og at ved å modifisere Apples produkter på denne måten frafaller all garanti. Denne prossessen involverer alltid en viss risiko, men denne metoden fungerte smertefritt for min del. Fortsett på eget ansvar!
Advarsel 2:
I skrivende stund jobbes det frenetisk med å strømlinjeforme hacks til iPhones seneste Firmware (versjon 1.1.1) - og denne vil jeg ikke ta høyde for i denne guiden. Denne guiden skal kun brukes dersom du har Firmware versjon 1.0.2 eller lavere (dvs. 1.0.0 / 1.0.1 / 1.0.2).
Før du begynner:
Punkt 1 - Sjekke at du har riktig firmware.
For å sjekke om du har riktig firmware, gå frem på følgende måte:
1. Skru på telefonen slik at du står ved "Activation screen"
2. Dra pilen mot høyre for å utføre en "Emergency call"
3. Ring opp *3001#12345#*
4. I "Field test"-en trykk på "Versions" og sjekk at du har en av kodene i fet skrift
03.12.06_G = firmware 1.0.0
03.14.08_G = firmware 1.0.1/1.02
04.02.04_G = firmware 1.1.1
04.01.13_G = firmware 1.1.1
Dersom du har en av de to øverste, gå videre til neste skritt.
Det er også en måte å fastlå hvilken versjon du har ved å se på serienummeret på iPhone boksen. Serienummeret på baksiden av boksen vil se ut som noe a la dette: 7T737XYZWH8
Tall nr 4 og 5 fra venstre (i dette tilfellet 37) representerer hvilken uke iPhonen er produsert. Firmware 1.1.1 begynte å shippes med iPhones i uke 39, så dersom tall nummer 4 og 5 fra venstre utgjør 38 eller mindre, så vil iPhonen 99% sikkert ha firmware 1.0.*, og den kan brukes med denne guiden. Sjekk med metoden ovenfor for å være helt sikker!
Punkt 2 - Åpne telefonen
mokujin21 har laget en veldig enkel og oversiktlig video walkthrough på hvordan man skal låse opp telefonen din. Se begge videoene i sin helhet først, før du gjør noe, slik at du ikke får deg noen ubehagelige overraskelser. Du vil trenger å laste ned følgende filer, og det er likesågreit å gjøre dette først:
WinRar (for å pakke opp alle aktuelle filer)
iTunes versjon
Unlockings verktøy supplert av mokujin21
iPhone firmware 1.0.2
Pakk ut alt og legg det på desktoppen slik at du har alt lett tilgjengelig. Neste steg er å se videoene:
Nå er telefonen din kommet forbi "Activation screen" og det som gjenstår er å fjerne operatørsperren. Her har mokujin21 valgt å demonstrere 2 programmer, jeg anbefaler at du bruker AnySim 1.0.2, som er det andre programmet han viser.
Nå skal telefonen være unlocked, dersom du får opp meldingen "Sim locked", så har dette ikke noe med operatørlås å gjøre, dette er PIN koden din som må tastes inn. Gjør dette og gå deretter i Settings->Phone->SIM PIN og deaktiver PIN koden din. Dette må gjøres for å unngå en bug som får telefonen til å kræsje i ny og ne.
Punkt 3 - Få YouTube til å fungere
YouTube skal egentlig fungere etter at du har brukt Pacay, men det gjør det ikke. Det eneste som skal til for å få den opp og gå, er at du går i Settings->General->Date & Time og stiller klokken. Når dette er gjort skal YouTube fungere.
Punkt 4 - Installer diverse programmer
Ved hjelp av programmet Installer som ligger på telefonen din nå, installer følgende programmer:
PS! Ved problemer restart telefonen for hvert program du installerer!
Punkt 5 - Installere norsk tastatur
Åpne Safari browseren på telefonen og gå til URL'ene
Velg "Yes" når du får spørsmål om å installere "new package source" på begge to.
Gå nå til Installer programmet og installer Mobile Enhancer og Norwegian Keyboard. Skru av og på mobilen. Du kan nå alternere mellom å ha "vanlig" og norsk keyboard ved å trykke på knappen nederst til venstre.
Punkt 6 - Nummergjenkjenning
Ettersom amerikanerne har ett annet oppsett på telefonnummerne, vil ikke telefonen gjenkjenne kontaktene dine dersom du ikke lagrer telefonnummerne med både +47XXXXXXX og XXXXXXXX. For å fikse på dette blir du nødt til å erstatte en av filene på iPhonen. Dette gjør du ved å bruke programmet WinSCP. Last ned, installer og åpne programmet.
For å logge på iPhonen må du ha IP'en dens, gå til Settings->Wi-Fi og trykk på den blå pilen til høyre for navnet på Wi-Fi nettverket du er tilkoblet. Der står IP adressen din.
Tilbake i WinSCP tast inn IP adressen under Host name, i User name og Password taster du inn henholdsvis "root" og "dottie" (uten gåsetegn). Sørg samtidig for at File protocol er satt til "SFTP". Login.
Første gang du logger på vil det ta ca 30 sek.
Last ned denne filen og pakk den opp.
Ved hjelp av WinSCP manøvrer til mappen /System/Library/Frameworks/AppSupport.framework/ på iPhonen og upload AppSupport filen, overskriv den som ligger der fra før.
Spesielt interesserte kan lese mer her
Punkt 7 - Norske formater
Dersom du har forsøkt å taste inn noen telefonnummer enten på Keypaden eller ved å lagre kontakter, har du sett at den viser telefonnummeret automatisk innenfor paranteser o.l. For å fikse dette skal du bruke WinSCP på samme måte som i punkt 6. Dette vil også gjøre at du for norske datoer i kalenderen blant annet. Last ned følgende 2 filer:Logg på med samme metode som du gjorde i punkt 6 med WinSCP, og overskriv følgende 2 filer på iPhonen:
Reboot telefonen og du skal nå ha norske formateringer.
Spesielt interesserte kan lese mer her og her
Punkt 8 - Norsk ordbok
Ordboken på iPhone foreslår ord den mistenker du har skrevet feil. Denne er oversatt til norsk, men det finnes enkelte unntak. Korte ord på 2 bokstaver er ikke mulig å oversette, slik at du til tider kan f. eks. se "we" og "us" dukke opp, men dette er i mitt tilfelle uproblematisk. For å installere norske ordboken, gjør som følger:
Last ned og pakk opp denne filen.
Manøvrer med WinSCP til mappen /System/Libary/Frameworks/UIKit.framework og upload/overskriv de 3 filene. Reboot telefonen.
PS! Dersom du ikke ønsker å bruke ordboken, gå til Settings->General->Keyboard og skru av "Enable Autocorrection" (Det forutsetter at du installerte Kb.app som nevnt under punkt 4) - eller at du bare skipper dette punktet...
Punkt 9 - Operatørlogoer
Dersom Operatørlogoen din vises feil (f. eks.: Du har Chess, men den viser "N NetCom" e.l.), kan du laste ned fra iphone.unlock.no modifiserte filer som gjør at den viser korrekt operatør (og ikke scroller).
Last ned logoene her og velg den operatøren du bruker.
Last deretter ned en denne filen
Igjen med WinSCP, manøvrer til /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/ og overskriv filene Default_CARRIER_ATT.png, FSO_CARRIER_ATT.png (operatørlogoene) og SpringBoard.
Punkt 10 - EDGE settings
For å sette opp EDGE, på iPhonen gå til Settings->General->Network->Edge og skriv inn de verdier som din operatør bruker.
NetCom-nettet - APN: internet.netcom.no
Telenor-nettet - APN: telenor
Username/Password skal stå blankt på begge 2.
Merk at GPRS er svindyrt på de fleste abbonnement i Norge, og jeg anbefaler at du følger med på bruken av dette. For å disable EDGE kan du bruke programmet Services som jeg anbefalte at du installerte tidligere.
Helt til slutt:
Jeg har ikke modifisert noen filer selv. Jeg er heller ikke sikker på hvem som har æren for mye av dette, men folk som har vært til ekstrem hjelp for min del er magnerlu90, homer, Rossi, egiltodo og mange andre ved mac1.no forumet, iphone.unlock.no og hackint0sh.org forumet
Posted by
11:49 PM
I <3 Kimmel & Justice
Posted by
10:52 PM
Labels: Music, MusicVideo
Odbol's got a pretty unique drumset...
Posted by
1:35 AM
Labels: Music
The conclusion to this aweseome trilogy opens in cinemas on this side of the pond friday 14. Meanwhile the Jimmy Kimmel joke just keeps getting better and better. If you haven't seen the initial jokes, be sure to start with the first clip, proceed with the second one and then the one below. Otherwise it doesn't make any sense...
Posted by
8:15 PM
Yes, I am secure enough about my sexuality to post this. I've been sleeping on this for a while, pretty-damn sweet record. Apparently Wyclef Jean produced a non-acoustic version, which is simply awful in comparison. Be sure to get the right version, this is from the Ya Dig EP available at iTunes.
Posted by
7:21 AM
Labels: Music, MusicVideo
It's here!! Bun B & Pimp C's 29 new tracks were leaked onto the net yesterday. It's not supposed to hit the stores until tuesday (7.) according to SOHH.com's interview with Bun B from earlier in July. I've already boldly declared Int'l Players best rapsong of 2007, and from my first listen, this might as well be the best album.
01. Swishas And Dosha (05:11)
02. Int'l Players Anthem (I Choose You) ft. OutKast (04:19)
03. Chrome Plated Woman (04:18)
04. Life Is 2009 ft. Too $hort (04:08)
05. The Game Belongs To Me (05:14)
06. Like That (Remix) (03:51)
07. Gravy (04:57)
08. Underground Kingz (04:33)
09. Grind Hard ft. Young T.O.E. And DJ B-Do (04:04)
10. Take Tha Hood Back ft. Slim Thug, Vicious And Middle Fingaz (05:37)
11. Quit Hatin' The South ft. Charlie Wilson And Willie D (06:07)
12. Heaven (04:20)
13. Trill Niggaz Don't Die ft. Z-Ro (04:28)
01. How Long Can It Last ft. Charlie Wilson (06:47)
02. Still Ridin' Dirty ft. Scarface (05:20)
03. Stop-N-Go ft. Jazze Pha (03:54)
04. Cocaine ft. Rick Ross (04:50)
05. Two Type Of Bitches ft. Dizzee Rascal And Pimpin Ken (04:56)
06. Real Women ft. Talib Kweli And Raheem Devaughn (04:33)
07. Candy (03:30)
08. Tell Me How Ya Feel (04:25)
09. Shattered Dreams (05:14)
10. Like That (02:48)
11. Next Up ft. Big Daddy Kane And Kool G Rap (03:04)
12. Living This Life (05:08)
13. Outro (00:49)
14. Bonus Track: Int L Players Anthem ft. Three 6 Mafia (Chopped & Screwed) (05:31)
15. Bonus Track: Int L Players Anthem ft. Three 6 Mafia (03:20)
16. Bonus Track: Hit The Block ft. T.I. (03:59)
Posted by
5:18 AM
Here's a gem for you, straight from the afterpary in San Francisco! Happy times!
Posted by
12:28 PM
Labels: Music, MusicVideo, Soul
I'm writing this on vacation in Vegas, and all though blogging in Sin City is kinda like time wasted, this song is just too damn good to pass up. A baybaybay!
Posted by
4:41 AM
Labels: Music, MusicVideo, Rap
I love rock, but it has a tendency to disappear between all the good hiphop albums out there. This one however is just too good to pass up. I went to see The Cribs with my g/f at Blå a couple of weeks ago, and I've got to admit it's been a long time since I've listened to a rock album this much. Even though they have their own sound, I tend to get vibes from both The Strokes, The Thrills and Weezer(!?) on their record Men's Needs, Women's Needs, Whatever.
1. Our Bovine Public
2. Girls Like Mystery
3. Men's needs
4. Moving Pictures
5. I'm a Realist
6. Major's Titling Victory
7. Women's Needs
8. I've Tried Everything
9. My Life Flashed Before My Eyes
10. Be Safe
11. Ancient History
12. Shoot the Poets
Posted by
1:16 PM
Labels: Music, MusicVideo, Rock
One of my definite favorites returns. These guys are the true mixtapemessiahs as far as I'm concerned, and the good news this time is this just might be their best studio-album.
Even though Piece of The Pie is getting a bit old, it's still fire and I love the semi-cheesy sound of The Drop and Memory Lane. It kind of sends my thoughts swirling towards the first Lluomo record. Get the Knowledge Be Born track for free along with news from the Men.
As usual I've bolded out my favorites.
01. Let It Roll (3:26)
02. Blood Fire (3:41)
03. Did No Wrong (4:16)
04. Tuffen Up (4:00)
05. Knowledge Be Born (3:17)
06. Something Got You (3:34)
07. Concentrate (2:59)
08. The Drop (4:16)
09. Let It Be (4:22)
10. Move (4:08)
11. Piece Of The Pie (4:36)
12. Camera Tricks (2:55)
13. Memory Lane (4:55)
14. This Was Suppose To Be The Future (5:23)
On the same note I'd recommend everyone(!) to get their mixtapes Personal Golf Instructions and the latest Friends & Family. That's two tapes with instant-party-guarantee.
Here's a couple of videos for your viewing pleasure. First of is the acoustic version of their Something Got You track of the new album, which is not very typical for them, but nice in an Aim kind of way.
The second video is an older track with Rodney P, Dynamite MC and Cutty Ranks.
Posted by
12:16 PM
Labels: Music, MusicVideo, Rap
This joke just keeps on getting better and better...
Posted by
3:43 AM
New track from Common's upcoming "Finding Forever" album.
As a bonus, here's Common on Rap City this week. The fact that it really doesn't sound that impressing is because he's actually improvising (which seems to be rare these days). Nevertheless it's well worth the watch, especially with Eve as eyecandy in the background.
Posted by
10:38 PM
Labels: Music, MusicVideo, Rap
Finally a video for 2007's best song so far
In case you didn't notice, this track here contains three of the most legendary crews from the south, Andre 3000 and Big Boi of Outkast on the mic along with Pimp C and Bun B of UGK. DJ Paul and Juicy J of Three 6 Mafia on the beat. Yes, I love this song and that's why I'm adding this totally unnecessary extended version of this video. Enjoy! :)
Posted by
1:09 AM
Labels: Music, MusicVideo
On the subject of Reactable, Microsoft's new Surface looks quite amazing as well!
Visit the official page for more videos. PopularMechanics.com has a "First look" feature which also is worth a look.
Posted by
1:23 AM
Labels: software
Somehow I missed out on this, but this looks like the best toy ever! I gather Björk is supposed to be using one on tour.
Reactable has more videos...
Posted by
1:16 AM
Labels: Music
Here's another track that's taking up alot of space on my playlist these days, especially the Saigon and Jadakiss remix
Posted by
1:59 PM
Labels: Music, MusicVideo, Rap
I've been trying to shake off that cellphone melody for a couple of weeks now, I guess this my way of giving up :)
Posted by
1:36 PM
Labels: Music, MusicVideo, Rap
New York Times does an article on norwegian production duo StarGate. I absolutely love the subtlety of these guys.
What sets Stargate apart from producers black or white is its image. Or rather, the lack of one. The two do not stake their reputations on hip-hop authenticity; Mr. Hermansen and Mr. Eriksen, who are both married and have young children, remain deliberately invisible and clean-cut. When a photographer was about to snap their picture, Mr. Eriksen carefully moved an empty beer bottle so it wouldn’t appear in the shot.
Posted by
1:16 PM
Labels: Music
Legendary Three 6 Mafia, spearheaded by rapper & producer duo DJ Paul and Juicy J, packs up their Oscar and moves to Hollywood to make it big. This might not be the most intellectual entertainment you've witnessed, but as far as reality TV goes, this is some funny shit. Unfortunately, this show is under the radar at the moment, so it can be a bit tricky getting your hands on it if you don't live in the US.
Adventures in Hollyhood @ MTV
Posted by
5:37 PM
Labels: Entertainment, Rap, TV
New Quik and AMG project.
It's "The Fixxers" baby, think of it like a concept like "Speakerboxx" and the "Love Below" by Outkast it's like that, it's a split record.
Posted by
1:12 AM
I'm so excited about The Carter 3, I'm almost as excited to hear the new Drought tape as well. There's been some rumours that The Drought 3 has been leaked on the net, but according to HHNlive.com DJ Khaled denounces the version spreading on the net as a bootleg
"Yeah we just finished mixing it last week, so it should be coming out soon. There’s a bootleg floating around with a few of the songs that leaked, but that’s not even close to all of the tracks that are going to be on the real thing. Plus, the real version is hosted by me and Birdman, so with the bootleg, it doesn’t even have the same feel. But it’s ready to go. We’re just not sure when it’s going to drop yet."
I'm a shark in the water, I swim with the big, so I don't have time to deal with Willie Da Squid
I ain't never killed nobody I promise
And I promise if you try me
You gon have to rewind this track
And make it go back
Posted by
12:21 PM
Mike Jones takes flossin' to a new level and talks about his new album. That sure is one mean list of guests, makes you almost not care about Mike Jones at all... Maybe that's why he had to get that watch. Crazy...
Posted by
5:08 AM
This has to be the coolest collabo ever! As far as my favorites go, this is all four of them on the same track. This a remixed version of the Players Anthem track on the Underground Kingz sampler I mentioned earlier. Andre 3000 is on fire these days!
Posted by
12:38 PM
I'm offering you an olive branch, if you prefer shock and awe, I can arrange that too...
Posted by
1:50 AM
Labels: TV
Here Comes the Fuzz from 2003 was a serious headsup in regards to this fella. Lately he's been proving to be a lot more than a good track selector and a skilled mashup chef, with production for Amy Winehouse and Lily Allen amongst others. I previously mentioned the sampler of this album, and it's expectations were more than met. This is a rock solid album, and it's definitely one of my favorites this year. This kind of funky 'pop'-ish sound works remarkably well and is one of the freshest flavors you'll get this year. If this album doesn't get it's fair bit of recognition, I'll start working promotion for free (kinda like now, go figure)... Don't believe my rants & raves of acclaim? Check out the bold tracks. If I had to narrow it down even further, go for tracks #2 and #13
Also, to prove this fella knows his way around two turntables, check out his guest spot on Pete Tong's Essential Mix which was recorded January 1. 2007. The set includes some of Ronson's tracks, both old and new, as well as a lot of tracks that will get any party going. Here's a brief overview of the tracks:
Posted by
4:11 PM
This is a live recording with decent soundquality, which enables you to recreate the same partyvibe in your livingroom. Party tends to be the keyword, with some crazy mashups and funky tunes. If you've ever been captured by The Nextmen's or Mr Scruff's mixtapes, then this is for you! The tracklist is not 100% due to it's weirdness and mashed up state.
Posted by
3:33 PM
Finally! Ever since Melody AM I've been trying to figure out why DJ Kicks, Another Late Night / Late Night Tales or Back To Mine didn't recruit these guys for a compilation. Bold is beautiful!
Posted by
1:37 AM
Labels: Music
DJ Spinbad April, 20.
Celebrating the newest Kingsize issue with one of the greatest to ever touch the wheels of steel; DJ Spinbad! Oh my GOD! Support: Patski Love & Chris Stallion. It's Juicy baby!!!
Denmark's Finest DJ Noize (DMC World Champion) and DJ Static dreper The Joint back2back på 4 platespillere og 2 miksere. "My squad stays on point..."
Posted by
3:17 PM
Can't say I wasn't expecting this, it was too good to be true. Scarface cancels Oslo and deprives us of the possibility to experience one of Houston-rap's godfathers. A true tragedy, but on the upside his replacement is far from the usual replacement letdowns. Saigon is going to kick it with Little Brother instead.
Source: Rockefeller.no
Posted by
2:31 PM
Bjørn Torske is back with a new album. Kinda floats on the same vibe as Nedi Myra which again means it's a bit more available than Trøbbel. Same procedure as always: Bold means Beautiful.
Posted by
1:54 PM
Labels: Music
Mr Mef dove into the crowd like maniac and tore the roof off at Rockefeller in Oslo. I know cellphone pictures are worse than crap, but how often do you get to see a rap legend standing on a barstool in the middle of the crowd.
Posted by
3:45 PM